Creative Stitches Show – Calgary (entry 2)

I spent the majority of Friday at the Creative Stitches show in Calgary & loved the show. There was a huge mix of quilting stores from here to Chilliwack, BC, Red Deer, AB, Edmonton, AB & so many more locations from Western Canada.

The first booth I stopped at was the Quilts of Valour booth and these people were so great – they have such an amazing mission and we should all stand behind them and our soldiers – if you have anything to donate or would like to donate please contact them.

this was an absolutely gorgeous quilt that belonged to them going to someone special fighting for us and I couldn’t resist taking the photo.

a pile of quilts on a chair in their booth waiting to be shipped out.

the cutest little Yo-Yo bear at a bear booth – so adorable.

another cute quilt on display as you can see this is a Freckles Designed pattern.

I loved the colours in this quilt and the images of the flowers

some more welcoming patterns and samples throughout the show

thought this display was so cute and their prices were excellent. 

Sawdust & Tangled Threads

don’t you just love the colours in this booth – so nicely setup

Quiltopia: this booth was so busy – very hard for me to capture it

Cats Ahoy is a mobile adoption center for cats in Calgary – those of you who have cats know how important a cause like this is, if you want to make a donation it would be greatly appreciated!! 

There was also loads of Scrap Booking stores, booths, lectures, etc – well worth it for Scrap Bookers as some of the places were so enticing that I wanted to take up this awesome hobby.

Savvy n Sassy was one of the cutest scrap booking booths we stopped at…Rhea Marriott and Jaklin Piper own this little online shop in Red Deer, Alberta – she is in the process of looking for a brick and mortar shop but for now they are online and in shows.

these little cuties were for a “make and take” class she did at the show.

the cutest fruit bowl with a collection of small photo albums

these ladies had so many ribbon options – so colourful and fun.

I spent quite a bit of time in this booth and now you can see why.




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