Lakeside Quilters: Spring Fair (17)

The Lakeside Guild, Chestermere Quilt Show “Country Connections Spring Fair” was a huge success, can I say “WOW” we had the best turnout of quilts EVER and the best turnout of people. Thanks to everyone who took the time to come out to the show and make it a success for all of us a Lakeside Quilters. THANK-YOU!! Celebrating out 10th year as a quilters guild is so rewarding and we still have 5 of the founding members.


Thanks to all of the husbands who climb ladders, hauled tables and chairs – so appreciated!

It was really nice to have a few vendors there selling their awesome goodies!

Sue and Elke hard at it greeting all of our visitors!

the ladies looking through some candids

Cathy doing some selling in my booth, thanks Cathy

Heather won the amazing bag full of goodies, Kim posing with her..

Finally a great group shot of all of us and I think we are all present!

What a great looking group of fabulous quilters!!

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