So for my Around the Net today it’s actually Around the Town:) because recently we were camping in Brooks, Alberta and of course I had to stop at the Quilt Shop, if there was one and there was…it’s heaven.
Is it wrong for one Quilt Shop Owner to visit another quilt shop? Deanna and I had a fab time together, she taught me all about Locker Hooking and I taught her all about Temari Balls. She was an absolute delight.
Here’s what I bought, all of the stuff I need to get started “hooking” as Deanna put it!
The book, with adorable stories and designs
the mesh: you use as your base
the hook: to pull your fabric through and the twine
Twine: used to keep fabric from coming through the mesh, you don’t see it when your finished.
So now that I have a new love, have you tried this before… I need to go and find some scraps…see you later 🙂
I love Deanna AND her store too! I sometimes go there just to hang out and work on a little project. Deanna showed us locker hooking a few years back at a retreat and lots of us ‘started’ a project… You can use up LOTS of fabric making those rugs! Looking forward to seeing what you are making.
I can’t wait to see some work in progress pictures of this. I love the idea of making your own mats.