Guilds and What’s New? (146)

Hi Everyone, what’s new with you? How is your Summer now that it’s coming to a close what did you do? Where did you go?

I’m also curious if you belong to a Guild, if so which one and where? I’m also curious about your Guild format like how often do you meet? Where? How many people? and What are some of the things that you do throughout the year like challenges, mystery quilts, charity projects and so on…

I’m looking for some good ideas and what’s worked for you guys and what do you love about your guild!! I belong to two at the moment and possibly three and they are all so very different and in good ways so the more I hear from all of YOU about what you like and what works the better my guild can be when we incorporate new ideas:)

Thanks Ladies…

Also if you haven’t entered in for the chance to Win a Year long Subscription to Quilters Connection magazine be sure you do, I will be drawing next Friday!!


2 Replies to “Guilds and What’s New? (146)”

  1. I have toyed with the idea of joining our local quilters guild. To be honest they terrify me. LOL. I go to the fair every year and gaze upon the wonder that is the quilting guild masterpieces and just shake my head in awe.

    That and I tend to slide back and forth between obsessions and I'd hate to join and lose my quilting groove for a year. LOL


  2. Val,
    I belong to another guild that meets each Monday. It is a great guild. We enjoy working together each Monday. Every time there is a fifth Monday we work on quilts for the Childrens Hospital. It has been very inspiring and we feel like we are helping in our small way. Everyone working together. Our president often has projects or ideas for us. WE have a show in the spring which is always fun. It was fun this year because you and Colleen came:). We have a meeting once a month. It is a very relaxed guld and is growing. I really enjoy the idea of every Monday and working together on our projects. We help each other.

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