Kind Words: Madame Samm (173)

So, I’m pretty excited that I’m going to be a guest over at Stash Manicure with Madame Samm and she left me the cutest comment *blush* I’m totally flattered and I hope I don’t let you down 🙂

Well sweet you are right about one thing…well a lot of things…I HEART you…sew!

I was checking the blog links of course now that you have made it to our blog roll too…it will be easy to catch up all time..
And of course I am excited…in a way I hope someone drops out early..but nobody ever does..everyone wants to

Sew we will just have to wait a is only next WED…yeah.. I know they will just love you, how could they NOT…lol

anyway you are more than ready..I can feel it..I know these things wink…

piece be with you …always ..msamm

Thanks Madame for brightening up my super sunny day even more 🙂

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