Cotton Price Increasing (186)

Hi Everyone, have you heard this vicious rumour about the price of cottons increasing? It has to due with terrible whether in countries like India and Indonesia. I have a call into my supplier to find out more but my other supplier of battings has also told me pricing will increase come Jan. I was connecting with my of my favourite blog journalists and she said the same things…

Here’s some interesting articles regarding this topic.

This first one from The Times is dated 1923 but in this article it tells you how much cotton we consume as a whole across the world…thought that was neat.

This second one is from Shine through Yahoo talking about the quality of our apparal having more of a blend then the natural cotton.

This third one is from the Daily Times of Pakistan provides a bit of insight into how the cotton in traded there, India, USA etc.

Fourth if from The Shopping Blog talking about our clothing companies struggle to maintain the balance between margins, resale pricing, and audience as well as battling with the economy.

Market Place in London talks more about the droughts in China and Pakistan and China playing a big role and the sale pricing and cheap know down priced clothing will be far and few between very soon.

What have you heard? Let me know or comment here as I’d love more insight to this!

Until next time, stay warm, happy and creative,

by puting the spirit of Christmas into everything you make!

4 Replies to “Cotton Price Increasing (186)”

  1. Yup! My quilt lady, Kathy and I were talking about that the other day when I was attending her class. She said there are a lot of people crying the blues about it, but the fact is that prices rise, they do not stay stagnant for years and years and years. It's a fact of life, no matter what the cause or reason. From weather to inflation, prices go up, even for things like fabric.

    That's not to say I look forward to the increases, it's going to jump the cost of fabric at my quilt store from about $17/meter to probably $20/meter. Staggeringly expensive. But most things in life worth having are.

  2. And yes you know I know…and there are companies already closing in India and Pakistan who turn the raw cotton into fabric…I knew something was happening when I could not locate 100% cotton sheets that I have been purchasing forever…the ones I did locate were almost triple in price and in its place the shelves were filled with blends…and I noted my cotton tshirts as well ….no more…all blends…Suffice to say it will affect much more than we even realize….I don't want to be known as Debbie Downer, but take a peak around our whole world…there are sew many global changes, how could it not affect the cotton fields, agriculture…but our quilting fabrics…ON the bright side, we could all start barter groups and still have enough cotton to keep us in quilts for say ……a couple zillion years especially if we go to visit Teresa…wink…

  3. One of the companies I love to buy from, hand-dyes only, has just sent out a email regarding this very thing ant they are being forced to raise the prices after the 1st of the year. Boo Hoo.

  4. Did some research of my own. Cotton prices in the market did reach all time highs this past year but the future prices are already coming down. The economy in the US still has not recovered so it won't take a 40% increase as some have suggested. That to me is why the blends are coming out more and more in clothing and it is a cheaper way to produce. Prices have not gone up in the past few years but trucking, fuel, labour has especially the minimum wage in Canada.) Do I think prices will go up? yup… they always do. Do I think by 40%? Nope… the world market prices are already coming down.
    Local quilt store owner when asked about an increase in Jan here in Ontario Canada said that new material was going up by 5% in Jan. So I guess we will see.

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