TmT: CalgaryAge & Population – e20s1


100th_ 20 TMT Calgary
Curious about who makes up this great city?
Two minute Tuesday (TmTs)

Welcome back to Valerie’s Variety Podcast, with your host me, Valerie Moss todays show is short and sweet. I’m calling these Two Minute Tuesdays or TMT’s thanks to Jeff for this suggestion. As I’ve been doing more and more research for my episodes and working full time, it doesn’t leave enough in the kitty to record and produced timely, so instead of releasing less often I’ve decided to do these short spurts in between the full episode segments. Let me know what you think. My focus will be Calgary, this great city, and all that’s captured within it. Let me know what you think!

Two Minute Tuesdays Cover Art…

Did you know the average or median age in Calgary is 36.4 and average or median age in Alberta is 36.5 with a total population of 1.37million, 3rd largest municipality and the 5th largest city in Canada.  The total population in Alberta is 4.146 million. I’ve lived in Alberta for most of my life minus a few years I spent in Saskatchewan going to College. It’s a stunning wealthy province with mountains, rivers and lakes.

Calgary Population 2018 (Demographics, Maps, Graphs)

Alberta – Wikipedia

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