The Deets!
- Originally created: April 17, 2022
- Technique: Pieced
- Number of Pieces: 28
- Blocks Completed: 1

(get your Dear Jane book coil bound, cost +/- $5 at Staples…trust me, it makes things easier)
Planned this block, my first block, to start down this road. Didn’t she turn out SO pretty. The fabric lines I’m using are from the one and only Tim Holtz ABANDONED and FOUNDATIONS and WALL FLOWER and MEMORANDA and DAPPER all under the Eclectic Elements line. I first started working with his designs in my scrapbooking world – and when I was thinking about the Dear Jane Quilt – I saw these fabrics and was like, BINGO! I’m in.
That little scrap of paper is my planning…figuring out each block, half square triangles (hst), the background (bg on my paper) is a standard muslin, this one has a slight fleck in it, and it comes extra wide – I love it and bought it at Addy’s in Cochrane (which I happened to stop at only recently on my way to a retreat at River Rock Studios). The main (m) fabric is full of writing and notes = receipts.
When you commit to this quilt you want to love your fabrics, like I mean love everything about them, each block (out of the 169 center blocks), every time you work with the fabrics you’re happy with your choices, get cozy with these you’re in a marriage now 🙂

this ^^ round table is actually an antique piano stool, circa 1890s (wish I played) I use it as my stool to sew on, it swivels, has claw feet with glass balls, and just the most perfect backdrop for these little blocks. The scissors are 4″ Gingher Scissors in the Cheetah theme – they used to come out with a theme each year – check out this awesome photo to give you an idea.
Find me over here…
- Pinterest @VJMoss
- Instagram @ValerieJMoss
Hashtags # on instagram I follow for this quilt project:
#DearJaneQuilt #DearJaneQuilts
#QuiltsOfInstagram #QuiltersOfInstagram
#ScrapQuilts #SamplerQuilts #QuiltLove #QuiltLife
#create #quilter #ThisIsMyHappyPlace
#BabyJaneQuilt #JaneStickleQuilt #JaneStickle
#fpp #SampleQuiltBlocks
(am I missing any? leave me a note in the comments)
My Dear Jane Inspo…
(these are my go-tos when I’m researching blocks, techniques, and just to get inspo)
- Teresa Down Under (great resource, blog)
- Hobby Stash (great resource, blog)
- Dear Jane Inspo (board on my Pinterest page, blog)
- Fabadashery (English Paper Pieces all blocks, blog)
- Poole’s Piecing (English Paper Pieces, and glue baste, video)
- Mari Carmen Moreno (it’s in Spanish but well worth the watch, video)
I love your block!
Im also taking on the journey of a Dear Jane with Kaffe Fabric
Hi Sheila, thanks for your comment, I’ve completed about 50 blocks now and took a long break but I’ll pick it up again soon…how’s the Kaffe Fabric working out?