Heritage Park Festival of Quilts (18)

Sunday last was a day filled with dreary weather but adorable buildings in our local historic Heritage Park bathed in light rain, people absorbing all of the incredible quilt designs, colours and quilting that was around them. The Guild tent was full of Calgary and area guilds showing off all of their goodies through out the year that have been taught, shared, loved, cherished, and best of all…finished 🙂

This is my Millarville Guild, thanks Janet for posing 🙂

While Janet was working the booth, she was squaring up these little beauties…

June 12 is our wind-up party and we have an apron challenge that will indeed be judged that day, Yikes, I’m so glad mine is done these look like good candidates!

All 500+ quilts are supplied from Calgary and surrounding areas, the volunteers at Heritage Park lay, hang, display, cover, and many more positions of showing off our quilts for everyone to see in the most historic of buildings on the town grounds at Heritage Park.

One thing Calgary, Alberta, CANADA is famous for besides the Calgary Stampede is their Udderly Art around the city…yes you are reading this right udderly…

So the Quilters cannot be left out, right?

what do you all think?

Until next time, have a happy and creative weekend!!

Quilt Canada 2010 (entry 12)

Hi Everyone, thought I would post a message from Quilt Canada representative Hanne. If interested in attending please do as this is not to be missed.

Also, for those of you Calgarians: if interested in volunteering, please see email address below.


April 28 – May 1, 2010: Quilt Canada 2010
Telus Convention Centre, Calgary, Alberta

The Canadian Quilters’ Association is holding its National Juried Show and Exhibition in Calgary from April 26 – May 1, 2010.  Quilt Canada: Winds of Inspiration includes workshops with stellar international and Canadian facilitators.  There will be 11 additional exhibits, showcasing everything from vintage quilts to appliqué and art quilts.  Exhibitors include the Heritage Park Quilters of Distinction, Studio Art Quilt Associates (SAQA), The Appliqué Society (TAS) Canadian chapters, the Fibre Arts Network (FAN), Articulation, the Fabricators, Bow River Quilters (Silver Anniversary), the Girl Guides of Canada (100 Years of Guiding reflected in quilts) and the annual Trend-Tex Challenge.  For more information, e-mail QC2010@shaw.ca or visithttp://www.canadianquilter.com.

Lectures, Quilt shows and Merchant Mall open to the public April 28-May 1; 10AM-6PM, 10AM-9PM on Thursday
Admission: $15, multi-day pass $25. Group rates available.


Thanks Ladies

Alberta Quilt Guilds

Please click on the image below for full view for a Quilt Guild listing in Alberta. If you would like to add your listing or modify the information in the attached please send us at the info to customerservice@pastimesonline.ca