A Kittens Tale Finished (236)

Sew, here’s A Kittens Tale in all it’s glory, displayed outside in the perfect lighting diffused by the slightly cloudy skies (since it’s been raining in Calgary all the previous week, it was a nice site to not have rain on this special day) and the perfectly fresh smelling air, surrounded by quilt lovers from all over…Thanks so much to Nancy for volunteering and looking after my special quilt.

A Kittens Tale was such a fun project each month a cute design full of character and whimsy, plus the fabric line, Feline Friendship made this quilt. After taking Ana Buzzalino’s class in January, like the post I did on Journey of a Quilter, I put the lessons taught to the test in this quilt also, with a lollipop flower in each blade of the pinwheels, as well as in between each yo-yo flower cluster in the border.  Scattering the rest of the quilt with dense quilting including shells, pebbling, and feathers I feel like I’m “getting it” the free motion quilting:)

Do you do your own quilting or do you take it to someone special to complete for you? Why?


How about this scrappy back?

A big huge thanks to Nancy B for volunteering at Heritage Park and supervising the location where my quilt was hung, sew appreciated!!

Okay, do I look like a proud quilter here or what – I’m loving A Kittens Tale and I hope I’ve inspired you to maybe enter a quilt into Heritage Park one of these years, need help in doing so, just email me:)

Finished Quilting Project – Journey of a Quilter (235)

Sew remember my Journey of a Quilter bom from last year – it’s completely finished, and quilted by moi…as some of you might remember I took a class from Ana Buzzalino in Jan and have put my lesson to the test for both Journey and A Kittens Tale…here’s some inspiration, I hope for all of you:)

Best pics of the quilting are from the back…

Okay, Journey club members, how are your’s coming along…I’ve seen a few but would LOVE to see more finished tops:) Send me pics ladies…

And here it is at Heritage Park, Festival of Quilts this year…I’m super happy with how it was displayed…how many of you put their quilts into Heritage Park this year?

Journey of a Quilter getting Finished (223)

My Friend Kathy and I made a pact that we would have our Journey of a Quilter tops finished by the Heritage Park Show (end of May) that being said, we had a quilt guild meeting in between and our Quilt Show in Chestermere (please stop by and say hi) is May 7 so our dates of completion have been cut by 3 weeks YIKES!! Well I thought I would get a move on this finishing thing..since I have to finish A Kittens Tale also…

cut the batting – check!

the back was pieced last year and just waiting patiently to be used – check!

crawling around on the carpet adding a million basting pins, sore knees – check! Thanks to Jen who stopped by for some stitching that day – good motivation to get pinning!

Practicing my free motion quilting from Ana’s class (which I learnt so much). I only used my free motion quilting foot on this project what a learning curve but I think I’m getting it finally.

I’m thinking this pebbling filler stitch is my new favourite!! I’m not kidding it’s super easy to get into a groove with this stitch, I’m in LOVE! What do you think? Liking it aren’t you?

I have more pics to take and show you, I’ve done quite a bit more since these were taken so I’ll get more pics here to show y’all.

Until next time, stay happy and creative, get your quilt tops pinned and layered and it won’t seem like such a daunting task to start the quilting process:)