Update, Blocks, Guest Honeypot (entry 86)

Hi all, writting this post on Wednesday night as Friday I will still be out of town. Heading to Edmonton with my Sis and the boys for a night plus seeing an ol’ friend of my sisters and spending the night at my Mum’s, what fun!

Update on the studio: the carpet was installed Friday and so since then it’s been folding, sorting, purging, sorting, folding and more purging. Here’s a bit of a clip to keep you all abreast.

Thanks to Allison Rosen and her AR way of folding fabric, I’ve followed suite to ensure that I can get the best space for all of this. I measured my drawer and divided it by 6.5″. I used a 6.5″ square ruler, and wrapped the fabric around this and folded in the exact same manor (removing the ruler as you go)


Then I got 4 even rows of fabrics, all nice and neat I won’t want to use them now 🙂

Funny story, my DH says to me “Hey hun, is all of this your fabric?” Me: “Yes it is, why” DH: I didn’t realize how much you had? Me: “Oh really?” Isn’t that a riot? I don’t even have that much of a stash, yet 😉

Quilt til you Wilt last weekend proved to be another awesome day, with quite a few of us gathering together we sewed, we laughed, great ol’ time as usual.

Mum and I worked on getting our Freebie 15 blocks all caught up, I got these three paper pieced leaves done and the large main block almost finished. I’m quite happy with the way these turned out.

We purchased 4 Billy bookcases from Ikea and set them up today, My sweetie pie has been so great helping me get setup and sorted…thanks Babe!

This was at about 2pm, since then I’ve unloaded so many boxes, all of my silks and notions, etc, it’s been so fun, too bad you gals weren’t here to help me out 😉

I will be open next week for business by appointment only please call before you come by…

I’m also so pleased to announce that I’m the Guest Honeypot over at Snickerdoodle Dreams, thanks Darlene for having me on your site, it was really fun to do 🙂 For those of you who create something with the drawing I included and email (valerie@pastimesonline.ca) me a pic of your project, I’ll put your name in for a great prize, think something along the lines of silks.

Last but not least, here’s Tig (aka Quilt Inspector) checking out the fabrics all nicely folded in a plethora of colours…”hmmm what should I pick next?”

I’m also so pleased to announce that the Lakeside Quilters here in Chestermere have voted me in to be their Vice President, thank you so much ladies and I hope I make you all proud!!

BOM Update: I’ve order the gorgeous silk flosses for A Kittens Tale, which I hope will commence middle of March, anyone else like to sign up? I’ll be ordering the patterns next week. The Journey of a Quilter’s 2nd block has just been sent out, 1st prize was drawn, 6000 yard beige cotton thread cone and 20g tin of Quilters Tea, congratulations Susanne!!

Until next time, have a happy and creative day

Studio, Zach’s Quilt, Patterns (entry 82)

Hi Everyone, today I have some great news, the carpet is going into my new studio this morning YAY, I’m so excited to be getting so close to the move, which will be full of un-packing more boxes (hmm could be another un-boxing video coming up), stacking shelves, purring of my sewing machine (as I’m behind on a few things), cutting kits, and more…stay tuned.

I’m just finishing the label for Zach’s quilt (I should have done a Kite label to keep with the theme and maybe I will, but his theme for the baby shower was ducks so this is still suiting), it seems like I’ve been working on this for a while but hey it’s one of the first quilts I designed from top to bottom, I really LOVE the colours and I’m a bit sad to see this one come to an end….good thing I’m finishing up the pattern and it will be kitted soon enough 🙂

Speaking of patterns, I just finished my Chenille Scissor Keeper pattern and I’ve also made up some kits. The tutorial on making the chenille is here if you missed it in my past blog posting…


Besides painting, painting and more painting, I haven’t done much sewing but I did finish the embroidery on A Kittens Tale Block of the Month (One) and I’m planning to launch this one in a couple of weeks sooo if you are still debating starting a cute and easy wall hanging quilt come and join us here. Two options full kit (dupioni silks, embroidery needles, silk pins, silk flosses, yo-yo maker, sewing machine needles, private blog posting with step by step instructions and more $25/month) and also a Pattern only option $15…

Their cute little faces, and I LOVE working with the silk floss, they glide through so beautifully…

Before I forget to mention, these are my new 3 favourite things:

the 3.5″ x 18.5″ Gingher Ruler, this little baby I’ve been using so much lately, it’s the perfect length and width, also the copper topped embroidery needles, love these AND this thread holder you see is made by and excellent craftsman, custom made for Pastimes Online..will be for sale shortly.

This thread keeper, is so perfect for applique and doing binding, keeps your needle in the right place (magnet on side) and your thread always at the “ready” position.

I’ll be at my Lakdside Quilters Guild “Quilt til You Wilt” day on Saturday which is always full of fun and interesting projects, stories and more 🙂 Can’t wait!!!

Until next time, have a happy and creative weekend,

Zach’s Quilt, New Studio, and Stuff (entry 78)

Hi Everyone, so todayyyy I have so many updates and wonderful things to share with you but first I would like to thank those who have left a comment for me within the last week, I so appreciate the comments it gives me a little something.

Mary-Ann, Rachel D, Vivian, Kathy B, Mishka, Amber, Shannon, & Jen.

I’m finished the quilting on Zach’s Quilt – YAY!!! So I’ll get it to them this weekend.

I love the kite strings – adorable!

My DH wants to upgrade our cameras so the first to go was my D60 🙁 by ol’ friend. Next on the chopping block is the D80, then I get my hands on his D90…look out world my photos are about to explode lol. Just joking I have a heck of a learning curve with the D90, Amie a little help here 🙂 My DH wants the D300S from Nikon so he can kick but in photo land.

I found this great Canadian mixed magazine. Don’t you just love the name!! It’s a compilation of cross stitch, embroidery, knitting, and sew much more.

Some of the kits for Journey of a Quilter Block 2 bundled and ready to be sent out March 1st!!

Here’s Tig, dreaming of her next quilt project while laying in the sun…bliss

my DH may be a bit shy that I shared this with all of you…but hey he loves me and I love him back. 

New doors, paint, trim, baseboards, and carpet ordered…YAY it’s coming together. 

Until next time, have a happy and creative weekend!!