Welcome back to Val’s Quilting…
One More Sleep until the BIG event!! I’m so excited to meet all of you who have the chance to stop by! 🙂
I’m having a small Impromptu Open House and I’m so happy to invite all of you to stop by and enjoy!!
Saturday July 10th from 10-4 pm, come out, have some refreshments, play and try all of our great tools and hopefully be inspired!!
Also stop at Lorraine Stagness’ Mini Quilt Show in Strathmore happening the same day!!
If you think you can stop by let me know your coming – that would be AWESOME!!
Definitely going to try a stop by on Sat after Lorraine’s.
Val, this sounds like SO much fun….. bit far for me though…..
Can’t wait to see pics
I would love to bring my sisters by for the open house after visiting Lorraine’s.