Around the Net: Oxford Clothing (159)

I came across this amazing video, it was so genuine and heartfelt about this suits, yes I said suits. Oxford Clothing is the only custom tailored suit manufacturer left in the USA. Isn’t that unbelievable. Where did all of the sewing manufacturers for suits go? China?

Enjoy the video:

Oxxford Clothing – A Tradition of Tailoring from Alex Hamlin on Vimeo.

I was listening to a stand up comic the other night and he said he was doing a gig in China and on route his luggage got lost – surprised? He said he was the equivalent of Shakil O’neil what with his size 10 shoe and 36″ waistline…is anyone in China this size LOL. The sales guy said he was too fat! (Too Funny). He said he thought it was strange because arn’t all of our clothes made in China? This is too true.


2 Replies to “Around the Net: Oxford Clothing (159)”

  1. Wow. My mom used to hand make uniform suits for the health nurses in our city. Well, she sewed with a machine, but she fit them and tailored them to their specific shape. They paid a lot of money for those suits because the fit so well and were so comfortable. I really can appreciate a place like that. So dedicated to the preservation of quality for its customers, it's rare in this day and age.

    They way they feel about their clothing is the way I feel about my quilting and cross stitching too. I expect the very best out of myself, especially when I'm giving it to someone else. I am creating what I hope will become an heirloom for that person/family. Something that will be passed down with a "my mom's best friend made that for her when….".

    I loved that video.


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