Trunk Show, London, Quilts & Mum(330)

So, I’ve had the pleasure of being invited to speak and do a trunk show for the Sherwood Park Quilt Guild. That’s about 4.5 hours from me…I’m super excited, honoured and looking forward to it. My friend and fellow Facebooker Bradie Sparrow from Sparrow Studioz invited me to come and show my goodies to her and her guild.

I’m a little nervous to be honest but I’m thinking, just be myself and be prepared and it will all turn out, right? Jeff’s going to be away that day so I’m going to be packing up London and goodies, bringing her with me – always keeps me grounded – do you feel that way about your kids? It seems like having her around me makes me feel humble and grounded, and I do love that feeling. A constant reminder that there’s more important things in life besides…well most other things except people we love, am I right?

So I am planning my talk, and I’m going to speak about how and why I started Pastimes Online, what my motto is – do YOU know what my Motto is?

“I pick and choose the things that I LOVE for Pastimes Online and hope to attract the people that LOVE the same things I do”

Well Jeff left on Monday and I was pretty much ready to go on the Saturday because with an 8 month old it’s hard sometimes to be able to budget your time (like even to write this post) and ensure you’re prepared. So packing up these projects as well as myself and daughter took a bit of extra planning and time – but I got it done with the help of my Sister (Gold bless her).

Left here in plenty of time Thursday, went to deliver some packages at the post London was just about to go down for her morning nap..all good – she slept the entire way to my Mums which is about 2.5 hours from here. Unpacked her lunch, her and me – then we all went and had a nice lunch. Change her and I nursed her – packed up what we needed for our 1.5 hr trip and proceeded on our way…..

That’s when London decided she didn’t want to have an afternoon nap or didn’t want to be in her car seat (what did you kids think about their car seats?) or was trying to push her top 4 teeth through – Yep this 8 month old now has 6 teeth! or whatever else she was trying to deal with…well to make this a story worth reading she cried the whole way…1.5 hours – oh it was grueling. I was driving and Mum was helping with London – thank G for her too!! We finally ended up pulling over in Sherwood Park and I took her out – she was fine!! Yep even laughing…oh man – lol what do you do she’s just too cute for words.

Well she eventually settled, my Mum spent the time with her for her supper and while I was speaking…and she did great!!

I spoke about all 9 of my quilts and a few of my classes thus far like: 1) Journey of a Quilter by Leanne Beasley 2) A Kitten’s Tale by Lynette Anderson 3) Hocus Pocus Ville by Crabapple Hill Studio 4) Life is Beautiful by Hugs and Kisses 5) Crazy Christmas by Lynette Anderson 6) Truly Scrumptious by Cinderberry Stitches 7) Pies and Tarts by Sue Daley 8) Vintage Miniature Sewing Machines by Ella and Skysie Designs 9) Butterfly Garden by Leanne Beasley which was only the first block as well as Quilt Aid, some of my class projects and more…I hope I don’t over stay my welcome lol but I’ll be pretty excited to show my projects and our goodies PLUS I’ve packed up quite a few giveaways..I can’t wait to update you on my special day – well it’s a Speaking Engagement, yep I like the sounds of that.

They clapped, asked questions, ooohhh and awwed and really wanted to get to know me and my business – I spoke to Bradie and she said the VIBE was good throughout the room…there was about 80 women there! So in the end the day was FAB-O even London slept all the way home, we stayed at Mums and had a FAB-O time!

So I hope there’s more trunk shows in my future, I LOVE it being able to share sometime to someone about quilting always makes my day…I think they like the prizes too 😉 


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