Promotion-pode – e42s1

episode 42 season 1

Hi Everyone, welcome back to Valerie’s Variety Podcast this week is Housekeeping episode (vvp42). First I want to say thank you for taking the time to choose this podcast and hanging out with me on Tuesdays. This drives me to continue to produce podcasts every week. I’ve surpassed 40 episodes (some still scheduled to be released) and already building the content for my birthday episode.

Highlights from Episodes 1 thru 12

So can I  ask a favour of you?

Could you take one minute and pause this podcast and select a review on your podcast app or iTunes…I’ll wait, go ahead lol. I know all of the podcasters ask this us of listeners, me included. It’s means more now than ever to write a review. For me, if I don’t get feedback I never know if I’m doing a good job or not – I see my download numbers but who are these people anyway?  I recently took my own advice and posted a very positive review on google and shared it with the person that did this great job! Guess what? I made her day as she knows she did a good job that made my day. Win Win, right? See how valuable this kind of easy thing is?

Also, would you mind to share this episode with one of your friends? When you look at the podcast through your smartphone’s app select the 3 little dots/icon, this will bring up some options and one of them is share…please share THIS episode with just one of your friends – just one. Your sister, your Auntie, your cousin…you get the idea.

I’m including a promo clip from our first 1-12 episodes. For those of you who are new check this out, for those of you who’ve been with me from the beginning – thank you and check out this recap. If you’ve been with me from the beginning what’s your favourite epidsode?

If you want to text me your comments I’ll read them on a future episode, or give me some feedback I’d love to hear  from you – did you know you can text me to my email, This show in still an organic podcast a variety show that is based on whatever – whenever. Where I share reviews, news, history, personal stories. Are you’re enjoying this flow and randomness at the same time.

My favourite parts listening to this clip are…plactic cheese – hiding something on their person.  Love hearing these different voices I go back to this place where I was at the time of these

Thanks for listening, the intro and outro for this podcast is recorded by London Moss, the intro for the promo clip is recorded by Janice Wilby. Theme music is produced and written by Jason Schnell titled Tascam 40.

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