InterView: Valerie Butters – Player with Paint – e88p2s2

episode 88 part 2 season 2

A Player with Paint

Since this new season is all about EAT | READ | CREATE this is the perfect time to not only interview an amazing creator but her name is also Valerie – enjoy part 1 of 2 over the next couple of days as we get to know this incredible painter Valerie Butters from Pemberton, BC, CANADA

We talk about her studio, places she worked and got fired – shameless, is a good word to describe this Valerie – she lived in Greece and is still connected to them…and Albanians and they are the toughest people she’s ever met – lovely people. She speaks Greek in an Albanian tone. She turns the questions on me, once thing about Valerie’s is – they love to asks questions too…enjoy part two and the final part of these episode with Valerie Butters…check out my site with maps of where she lives (wine country)and places she’s lived for short spurts. Here’s a bit of a disclaimer in this episode, a couple of swears are present and some of the content is adult only…be prepared to laugh your *asses off, we’re a bit hard on her mom but it’s all in good fun! And guess what, you’ll learn a little about me to along the way…enjoy the show, visit the show notes for links and details as usual it’s all on my website!

Valerie Butters amazing works of painted art!

Instagram @ValerieJMoss Pinterest @VJMoss and Facebook @ValerieSwainMoss

(Because this show was recorded in August of last year, there’s been a wealth of changes in life since then as you know…And we both have very old cats her Mimi is 20 and my Tig will be 19 this year! and she also has a Jim-Bo)

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