Audacity Study Group – s3

SESSION THREE: October 28-2020

In this third session, we recap session 2 as well as a laundry list of new topics & repeat questions as sometime we just need to dig into these further. Members also read a passage & receive feedback – which is so incredible, same passage – totally different outcomes.

If you’d like to join this group, email me If you have a questions, please send to me or something you want to discuss either about narration and or audacity.


  1. Facebook Groups
  2. Pandemic & Voting (seriously it’s all consuming)
  3. Session 2 recap
  4. Limiter
  5. Low pass Filter & Mouth Noises
  6. Storage Options
  7. Room Tone
  8. Noise Reduction
  9. DAWs
  10. Mono vx Stereo
  11. Left & Right Track
  12. .wav vs .mp3
  13. Promo Codes
  14. Organization with Voices
  15. Coaches
  16. Genre Options
  17. Members Read a Passage
  18. Learning Ally
  19. Noise Gate
  20. Plug ins (Add & Remove)
  21. Pseudonyms – Pen Names
  22. Recording vs Finished Hours
  23. a Bit about Me :), your Host, Valerie Moss
  24. Banter at the End (the best part!)
Low Passes, Room Tones and Waving at Mp3s

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