Review: The Friday Night Knitting Club (entry 40)

Hi Everyone, today I thought I would review a book called “The Friday Night Knitting Club” I know it isn’t quilting per se but this book applies to so many quilting relatable ideas, friendships, clubs, families and many more things that bring quilters together.

I’m thoroughly enjoying the sisterhood throughout the book. It brings you into each perspective lady’s life, the Mom who owns the store, her daughter (who loves to bake for the club), the reporter who doesn’t knit but loves to be with the ladies, the rich friend who wants everything and who willingly pays for it, the helper at the store that doesn’t need to work but can’t stay away and has a secret liking for the gentleman who owns the deli downstairs, the ex-boyfriend who is coming back into his daughter’s life after 10+ years and so on…

I’m just about 1/3rd of the way and I’m now familiar with the backgrounds of each character’s life, when they were married, when they had kids, got divorced, fell in love…again. I’m loving it. It’s a pretty good read, if anyone has read it and would be interested in “blogging” together about this book as a sort of on-line book club that would be great as it’s so nice to share in a “good read” with likeminded individuals 🙂


I couldn’t resist sharing the latest photos of Tig, I had moved over to the love-seat to do some un-sewing and Tig hopped up on my machine and starting watching her “TV”.

Maybe she gets a better view from here lol.

She looks pretty comfortable, you would think I was gone for hours but it only took her a couple of minutes to get into this position…now only if I could get her to do some sewing 🙂 

Apparently, I was gone far too long (only long enough to un-sew a few seams and take plenty of photos of her) as she became bored and tired 🙂

Until next time…have a great day!


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