Block of the month Ideas for 2012 (255)

Since we’ve been complete this one by Crabapple Hill called HocusPocusVille only one month left…a great combo of imaginary houses and shoppes with adorable patchwork…changed it slightly from the original but I LOVE their style and creativity.

What do you think of this new one from Meg called Calendula Patterdrips Cottage?

This is an interesting project, playing with crayon’s, tonal fabrics, irons etc, check out her blog posting on it here to give you more details. I think it would be neat to learn but finding the white Crayola crayons could be our challenge 🙂

Would you like to try this one?

or Maybe you’d like to try this crayon technique with a smaller project from her called 

Which Witch’s Boot? So stunning, could you have pictured a better witch’s boot? How perfect Meg!

7 Replies to “Block of the month Ideas for 2012 (255)”

  1. Oooh love the first one! That crayon tinting looks interesting. I wonder if you can wash it after or if it's just a wall hanging project.

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