So for the last couple of months I’ve been working on another business venture since I sold Exhibit Studio and this one is one that will come from the heart – my passion. Pastimes Online Ltd. – I’m already incorporated and waiting on Business Number, Licenses etc. This will be “A Canadian Online Quilt ‘n Stuff Source” – I’m still working on this tag line – any suggestions would be great!
Here’s my new logo – the colours pastel pink, periwinkle blue and the greenish spool of thread with needle.
Since my new business is going to be an online business I wanted to use online sources for my logo design and web needs. I used a site called
elance you can put in a request for many things like corporate id (letter head and business cards etc) logos, web design, programming, etc.
So I picked a company called
OhSnap because I loved her designs the best part about going into business with OhSnap was I found out after we began the project that we have the same name and spelled the same – how fun is that!! I’m already in the process of posting another job online with her to help us with the background of our website.
DH is getting back into programming for his wife and I’m very grateful! Here’s a preview of
pastimesonline again this is just in testing phase…but I’m still so excited!!
I’m also working on a few quilty things (of course) the new block from my freebie 15 program – I think there is only one block left and so far I like some of the 12 or so that I have completed but in the end I’m sure it will turn out great.
Here’s my latest block – this is the second round the first one I cut all of the triangle corners too small (but I will use these for my label or something) so Traditional Pastimes gave me a new kit so I could get it right – I of course completed this the morning of the 15th with out a minute to spare.

I’m also working on that dresden fan project that I mentioned in my last blog entry. This quilt I love – I love the brown, pink and green paisley prints I used and I’m so happy with the quilting method I used to echo the shapes of the dresden fan. I also did free motion machine quilting around the border – still trying to figure out the green circle centers and what to do there. One of the ladies in my quilting group commented on this white waffle muslim (which I purchased on our holidays through Portland and Seattle last year) I bought so much of it as I think it was only $5 per meter – here it would have been at least $12 +. So I used the rest of this waffle muslim on the back and I think it worked well.
I had went back to take a few more of this quilt but Tig found a home for her morning nap – didn’t she just have one??
I think she started to get a little self conscience here as she opened her eyes to see what was staring at her…yes the D80!!
I have been doing a 6K run each morning for the last couple of months (since I sold ES) so I signed up to run a 12K race called
Loop Around the Lake here in Chestermere, September 19th. This is the same date as our fall fair (September 18-19) – which the Lakeside Quilters also have their quilt show – should be a busy weekend for me.
I have a few new projects to show and a couple to get finished for the show so I’m working hard getting these done including labels *smile*.
I also wanted to share some pictures of my flowers in my yard with you as I think they are so beautiful:
If you have a blog – send me your url I would love to read it.
I’ll be in touch in a couple of weeks!!
Oh and here’s Tig looking for her latest quilting book to review…