Gracie’s Label (entry 13)

Hi Everyone, I finally got a chance to stop by my SIL’s and get some snaps of Gracie’s label I did on her quilt (see previous blog for pictures of Grace’s Quilt).

I found these pre-printed quilt labels through the company called Possibilities and I added some extras to it. I’m so addicted to french knots now…it turned out so great.


Threads in Hand Club, Freebie 15, Grace, Sheets Set (entry 9)

So I’ve been working on a BOM by Lynette Anderson

here’s a picture of one block that has the embroidery stitching completed and the triangles around the perimeter (which I changed from the original pattern) I still have to complete the applique for the homes.
This 2nd image is the center of the alternating blocks with solids, 9 patches (52) and these cute little heart with swirl center blocks (13) almost finished just need to stitch the hearts in place.
One of the girls in this club said that one block took her approx 10+ hours to complete…some of them I believe that!:-)
The Freebie 15 project – for those of you who don’t know what this is it’s a Block of the Month (BOM) this is given out by the stores as long as you get your block completed each month the next month is free!! It’s a kind of mystery quilt project as you don’t know what it will look like until it’s done. see a few of the blocks from this challenge that I have completed thus far. This is through
I did finally get to give my niece her quilt – the quilt for Grace and she was so happy as well as the rest of the family – overwhelming response which was awesome!!
These aren’t that great as they were taken with an iphone but my SIL Colleen will be sending me the better ones – thanks in advance Colleen!!
Here’s some pics of the quilt setup on her bed what a perfect match – Auntie’s just know 🙂
I’ve also spruced up our sheets and pillow cases for our holiday trailer – I just thought that they should be a little more fun and I’m pretty happy with how they turned out here’s the pics:
First pic is the bow on the top band of sheets with bow ties.

Second Pic is the ties to close the pillow cases after the pillow goes in them
Third one is showing the complete set.
I think that’s all for today…
Happy Sewing…Quilting…and Crafting
For the next entry I have designed a laptop bag for my mac as well as working on a design for my ipod so I can strap it to me when I’m jogging in the mornings…I’ve also started covering my old cookie tins with fabrics for my sewing room shelves and to store fabric stashes in.


Monthly Chenille & Grace’s Quilt (entry 8)

I know it’s been forever since my last post (18 months to be exact) but I’m back to posting and will try to commit to once every 2 weeks. Also, I’ve recently sold my business and in the process of starting another one – online quilt store (stay tuned) – for quilters, sewers, and for people who want to add to their stash and collectables.

During the last year or so I’ve worked on a barrage of quilts from a star/fan applique which was a combination of machine, and applique work – it whipped up so quickly I was surprised. I started it at a retreat with my Lakeside Guild in Chestermere and I finished the top just a few months later…it’s pinned and waiting for quilting which I will hopefully get to shortly. People in my guild were unsure about the colours I chose until I put it together and I’m so happy with it – pictures to come.

I also got into embroidery and chenille (thanks to my Mum!) I love both of these techniques. The first chenille quilt I worked on with a combination of embroidery turned out so cute. I still have to put a label on it but it’s pretty much finished. I laid out the embroidery blocks in different directions so you can see it from all angles. I do like the black and cream colours of this quilt – very traditional and antique looking. This quilt I designed called Monthly Embroidery.
The second chenille quilt I started was inspired by a friend of mine name Diane P she saw that I liked to do the embroidery so she gave me some embroidery patterns of cats – it’s hilarious. Once I saw these I knew they would be great for my niece (which she is getting next week for her birthday). I finished the embroidery blocks in a couple of months and decided to make & chenille the blocks (in a collection of pinks, blues, browns) at another retreat during Mother’s Day weekend and I pretty much had the whole top of the quilt completed at the retreat.
I also do the chenille technique the same way my mom does it – painstakingly *smile* but I prefer it this way as you can pick your colours, directions, sizes etc. I also used the rest of the fabric to do a scrappy back…then as a final touch I created Yo-Yo’s and spelled out her first name. Again, I still have to complete the label but it’s definitely close to being completed. I designed this layout and quilt with the help from Jeff’s (dh) Auntie Karen – who is the one I’m forever grateful to for getting me into quilting. This quilt I designed.
Thanks for reading my blog…there will be more to come. Please leave any feedback or comments, questions, etc when you have a chance.