I know it’s been forever since my last post (18 months to be exact) but I’m back to posting and will try to commit to once every 2 weeks. Also, I’ve recently sold my business and in the process of starting another one – online quilt store (stay tuned) pastimesonline.ca – for quilters, sewers, and for people who want to add to their stash and collectables.
During the last year or so I’ve worked on a barrage of quilts from a star/fan applique which was a combination of machine, and applique work – it whipped up so quickly I was surprised. I started it at a retreat with my Lakeside Guild in Chestermere and I finished the top just a few months later…it’s pinned and waiting for quilting which I will hopefully get to shortly. People in my guild were unsure about the colours I chose until I put it together and I’m so happy with it – pictures to come.

I also got into embroidery and chenille (thanks to my Mum!) I love both of these techniques. The first chenille quilt I worked on with a combination of embroidery turned out so cute. I still have to put a label on it but it’s pretty much finished. I laid out the embroidery blocks in different directions so you can see it from all angles. I do like the black and cream colours of this quilt – very traditional and antique looking. This quilt I designed called Monthly Embroidery.

The second chenille quilt I started was inspired by a friend of mine name Diane P she saw that I liked to do the embroidery so she gave me some embroidery patterns of cats – it’s hilarious. Once I saw these I knew they would be great for my niece (which she is getting next week for her birthday). I finished the embroidery blocks in a couple of months and decided to make & chenille the blocks (in a collection of pinks, blues, browns) at another retreat during Mother’s Day weekend and I pretty much had the whole top of the quilt completed at the retreat.

I also do the chenille technique the same way my mom does it – painstakingly *smile* but I prefer it this way as you can pick your colours, directions, sizes etc. I also used the rest of the fabric to do a scrappy back…then as a final touch I created Yo-Yo’s and spelled out her first name. Again, I still have to complete the label but it’s definitely close to being completed. I designed this layout and quilt with the help from Jeff’s (dh) Auntie Karen – who is the one I’m forever grateful to for getting me into quilting. This quilt I designed.
Thanks for reading my blog…there will be more to come. Please leave any feedback or comments, questions, etc when you have a chance.