Hi All, short but sweet today…I’m sitting in my office enjoying a delicious, comforting cup of Quilters Tea as all of these late nights up sewing for my “Homemade Christmas” this year is starting to take a toll on me. I was up until 1:30 2-3 nights last week, which by the way I loved and enjoyed it so much. I finished my nephews gifts, my nieces gifts, some of my parents and in-laws gifts, figured out the rest (I hope) and finishing some of the many small little accents to add to each present…but I’m not feeling that well today…
I have the sorest back (probably from all of the sewing) so no complaining really 🙂 and my DH has been really great! I’ve also filled 5 orders today everything from Quilters Tea, Designer Scissors, Quilters Soap and so many more items.
I got the cutest email from a Dad: “HELP!!! She finally told me what she wants!!!! I am looking for the Gingher Desingner Series 2009 Elena scissors set. Do you have this or can you get it for me before Christmas?”
He left his name and number so I called him back and helped him fill the order out for his daughter, I told him I would get it all wrapped up and mailed to her before Christmas, he was so relieved and I had so much fun working through the wants and needs to make his daughter’s Christmas wishes come true.
I’m also in the process of getting my house ready for company, I have a Christmas exchange on Sat and a 40th Birthday party (my cousin-in-law) I’m hosting my Quilters Group here on the 16th for a Christmas potluck, my Dad and Step-Mom will be here on the 18th and we have a Christmas party on the 19th…phew so it’s just going to get busier 🙂
It’s been snowing here all day…I love Christmastime!
Here’s the quilt I finished and entered into the Quilters Cookbook along with my recipe for my Grandma LaPorte’s Banana Bread.

Here’s Tig sitting in her favourite chair by the Christmas Tree…waiting for Santa. Hey MIL she loves this fur blankie lol.

Until next week, have a great weekend everyone…