Lakeside Quilters Sew Day (entry 8)

The Saturday turned out to be sew fun…there was just 2 of us to start Heather and myself right a 9am…we setup the classroom expecting a bunch of women to show up for our Turning Twenty Again quilt class day

Kathy showed up and entertained us with her fabulous stories follow by June and Suzie.

Heather and her quilt(s) – this is the second one she was working on and has decided she will keep these quilts..

her blocks…

here’s the pattern from this book that June chose

and here’s her blocks

here’s June organizing all of her blocks.

Suzie like me just came to sew on her own stuff and WOW she is making a stunning Bargello 

I was working on a border which is still a secret so I can’t post anything for it at this time..
With the four of us we had a fab time telling loads of stories…about my DH and I scaring each other on an ongoing basis 🙂 and my cat Tig being the chattiest of any cat I know…we heard about a 6 year old telling her Grandma that she had never seen a bear in her entire life – how great it is to be 6!! June was telling us about her cat that would answer back to “morning” in Catenese :-} what a riot. We ate from the concession downstairs bad food but perfect for us quilters..
Sorry the rest of you couldn’t have joined us in our great day…quilts didn’t get finished but we sure got in quite a few laughs.
Oh yeah and thanks to the husbands who brought forgotten patterns, missing foot pedals and picked up Halloween candies – you guys are the best!!
Until next time..

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