First Published Advertisement & Story (entry 35)

Here’s the clipping from the Alberta Country Register for the Nov/Dec issue.  I submitted a story and  advertisement for our online store – Very exciting…

Here’s the originals incase you can’t make out the text from the photo

Our Story – short and sweet

Click onto Pastimes Online
I decided to start Pastimes Online after I recently sold another business. I’ve always wanted to own a quilt store but the one I was interested in wasn’t for sale. I thought about whether to go “online” or just stick to the traditional “brick and mortar” type of business. As a professional working woman, it was always hard to visit stores during traditional business hours and I felt comfortable with the flexibility of purchasing online. 

After much thought about business today and how the internet has evolved, my husband and I and our technical background, and the new chance to learn more about Internet marketing, social media and business online, Pastimes Online Ltd. was born. 

I’m very excited about this opportunity and my husband (web designer and avid photographer) and I have been enjoying every step of the process.

I publish 3 blogs that are updated weekly. Photo Blog: a collection of photos that I love about quilting. Personal blog (Val’s Quilting): my own projects, quilts, magazines & books I love, articles I want to share as well as my Block of the Month(s), pizza box challenges & clubs I belong to. Quilting in Alberta: pictures of Alberta based guild shows to Alberta Quilt Shows small & large.
Drop by our site to purchase high-end Gingher products at a reasonable price. Threads, fat quarters of washable dupioni silks & cottons are also available. 
To find out how we can deliver a guild wide order to your next meeting, email us at If you’re interested in having your next guild or town show photographed or if you wish to participate in a Block of the Month and much, much more… drop us a line at


And here’s a closeup of our actual ad…what do you think?

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