100th Blog Post, Chestermere Quilt Show (entry 105)

First I want to thank all 16 of you who entered your name in for the amazing 100th Blog Giveaway draw that we are having…THANKS and HERES to YOU all!! The draw closes May 15th so share and tell you friends about it!!

Hi Everyone, for days and days I’ve been cutting, bundling, cutting, bundling, stitching my banner, cutting, and bundling and loving every minute of it!!

Chestermere Lakeside Quilters Guild is having a Quilt Show. Saturday, May 1st 10-4pm, Quilts, prizes, and a few vendors…come out and see us!! It’s our 10 year celebration of our Guild and we’re having a little party!!

Recreation Center beside the Lake across from Tim Hortons on 17 Ave SE, Chestermere. Here’s our flyer

I’ve also been learning to do some coding on my website and I must say I’m enjoying this part so much, thanks hubby for helping me out and giving me some training…who knows maybe I could be called a “code monkey” someday lol!

Here’s some pics of what I’ve been up to for the last week…I still need to get my banner completed but it’s so close!!

My class on Wednesday was on the dresden fan block, all needle turn applique…I think they were a bit nervous at first but I hope they liked it in the end 🙂 It was a nice class to just stitch and visit together..

I met with Piecemakers Guild on Monday to tell them a bit about myself, show them some of my goodies, and commit to going to their retreat on Oct 2 with my Traveling Store. It’s like a blitz from what I gather…so I’m so excited for it! Thank you ladies for making me feel right at home, mic and all 🙂

My Mum is up visiting she got here yesterday, spending time with us girls and shopping for fabrics (of course)…she is also going to help me with my books today hopefully (fingers crossed). We spent most of the day yesterday visiting Traditional Pastimes and Out of Hand and they are both such gorgeous stores – we definitely love them very much! Spent the wad which was totally fun! Then my sis and mum came back to my place and we hung out in the studio looking at fabrics, jackets, quilt projects, stitching projects and so much more…until 2:30 am – can you say bliss… 

here’s one of her quilt tops we were dissecting and trying to figure out sashing…how fun and crazy busy this one is…

Last but not least is my sweet kitty, Tig. Always a delight and brightens my day, everyday!

Quilt Canada is in Calgary next week and I’m so looking forward to it!! I don’t have a booth in this show as you know I just started this business so I wasn’t really prepared for that big hoohaw so soon 🙂 But look out world I’m ready now *smile*

Another Quilt Show that’s coming up the St. Albert Quilters’ Guild “How Green Does your Quilt Grow” Quilt Show May 6 – May 9 including a Quilt Walk in downtown St. Albert contact Michelle E for more information at quilting_michelle@hotmail.com

Until next time, have a happy and creative weekend everyone…


5 Replies to “100th Blog Post, Chestermere Quilt Show (entry 105)”

  1. I "spot" that Metro dotted fabric on the top of a couple of those bundles. That is some of my very favorite fabric that I’ve used as a backing for a really nice quilt.

    Good luck at all your shows!

  2. You only stayed up until 2:30am? That seems early for you guys. Missed you yesterday at the sew day, but I finished my bag!! Can’t wait for you to see it on Saturday. Hope you’re having a great weekend.

  3. Hey I look forward to meeting you on Sat. I am going to Quilt Canada Wed and Thursday for sure!

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