Quilt Canada 2010 (entry 107)

Hi Everyone, so now we have 20 people in for the amazing 100th Blog Giveaway that I’m hosting..WooHoo! Please tell your friends 🙂

I’m writting this blog today (Wed) as I’ve been so busy with Quilt Canada (2 days volunteering) and filling up with inspiration while I’m there…I’m also getting ready for my Lakeside Guild’s Quilt Show on Sat where I will have my first booth, please wish me luck and if you come by to see the show please say “hi” to me I would love to meet you and chat with you!!

So short but sweet today 🙂 A little sneak-a-peak from Quilt Canada

These birds were calling my name…I could almost hear them “tweet” “tweeting” amazing work.

Look at the detail she put into their faces, incredible…

I loves this colour gradient, jesters hat. I don’t think it’s a Jesters Hat but I do love the concept and she talked about travelling through our lives and the changes we go through, amazing…AND the background I think is silk which you know I love!

 These cherry blossoms were almost moving in the breeze, all 3 dimensional and the quilting is stunning…

This one is so dainty, it’s all created with half square triangles and pieced, so beautiful…
























So…a bit of a sneak-a-peak, I’m volunteering today (Wed) and will for sure get more photos, I’ll update soon 🙂

Until next week, have happy and creative days, I’ll have so much to update you on, I’m so excited!!

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