Come See Us & Get your Tickets (229)

My Lakeside Quilters Guild is having a Quilt Show THIS Saturday from 10-4 here in Chestermere showing off our wonderful collective works of quilting and camaraderie as a Guild.

We have TWO Amazing quilts this year for Raffle to raise funds for our local charities and community.

First Prize is this stunning New York Beauty (double + size) all batiks, a mixture of Paper Piecing and piecing, with stunning machine quilting.


Second Prize is and ABC’s Eye Spy Quilt – the perfect quilt for your niece, nephew, grand-son or daughter, or your very own daughter or son…all paper pieced using all of the novelty fabric we (our Lakeside Quilters Guild) could find – that was sure fun.

Who doesn’t LOVE a fun back on a quilt – for those of you who know me …I LOVE them!!

Tickets will be for sale starting this Saturday and will be $1. each for your chance to win 1 of these two quilts!!

Plus there will also be a Quilter’s Garage Sale where our Guild Sisters will be selling their own goodies, kits, fabrics, etc.

AND yours truly will have a table setup selling all of our favourite goodies from Pastimes Online!!

So if you’re wondering what do do on Saturday or you and hubby want to take a nice drive out to Chestermere, we’d love to see you!!

3 Replies to “Come See Us & Get your Tickets (229)”

  1. Hi Isobel, I'm going to add these raffel tickets to my site here shortly. You can purchase them long distance IF you're located in Alberta AND are over 18 – which I believe you comply to both:)

    They are $1. each no tax or anything.

    Let me know how many you would like and we can do this transaction behind the scenes for now:)


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