Scandinavian Rose – Colour Options (340)

Here’s some of the requested choices thus far…see anything you like?

Sign Up for Scandinavian Rose here!

Group 1 – The Pinkie Lees

Group 2: The Chocolatie Blues

Group 3: The Ruby Red’s

Group 4: The Pail Royals (not sure about this name, suggestions?)

Group 5: Vivian’s Pick

Group 6: Plum Pudding

Group 7: Indigo White

Group 8: Iced Cherry

Group 9: Pladdy

Group 10: Caribbean Hues

Group 11: Linda’s Pick

Group 12: Sunny Sky’s

Group 13: For him

Group 14: Jen’s Pick

Any more ideas? Any other colourways you can see from these picks, let me know.


Writing this list, I’m not sure what I’m getting myself into lol, I’m so excited to see all of the colourways completed…ARE you going to commit to sending me your blocks completed each month so WE can see YOUR colourway? I sure hope so as this will make it so much fun…how many people do you think we can wrangle to join our little club?

5 Replies to “Scandinavian Rose – Colour Options (340)”

  1. Wow, how can I pick when I love so many of the colorways. Definetely one of the greens or browns for me!!

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