Me Mondays: a Ride-Along continued…(371)

I didn’t hear the call come in becuase I turned my radio down while we were waiting for the kid to get his stuff and his new boyfriend to pick him up. My partner was doing some reporting we were just waiting…so this call comes in. She reports it to me and we bolt out of there so fast. She’s telling me what’s happening, I’m scared and worried for her, for us.

She says it’s likely better that I wait in the car, I don’t dispute this.

She tells me how to radio in and what to look for on our laptop to be able to report back to dispatch who I am where I am etc – which dispatch knows but not everyone know I”m on this ride along – my husband and London are at home sleeping. This puts things into huge perspective for me, I’m grateful for police that we have safety in our world and in our community, I’m grateful for my friend and her amazing passion for her job.

So I get the hoedown on what to say and where I am, its so  dark out, I think I will just sit here and be as still as possible. She get’s out, grabs a shot gun that was in the holster between us and cocks it as she runs towards the house with the gunman…OMG I’m thinking I’d be running the other way…All of these police officers show up to assist, I can see them they are all walking towards this house they are like ninja’s or ants streeming towards food. Then I see this un-marked suv pull up – no one gets out – I’m still like not even breathing I slowly turn down my radio incase it’s just a bit too loud. I”m watching, I can see a reflection in the outside mirror of this SUV I’m wondering who’s the heck is in there and why are they taking so long to get out. More Cops walk by my vehicle and don’t notice me, I’m watching the laptop for all the written updates about this cop passes by to look at the laptop through the window to get the correct address he turns and sees me – WHOA! that starttled us both.

I have the radio and I can here the play by play, dispatch is connecting with the Cops they are trying to assess the situation, my partner is the smallest they are going to heave hoe her over the fence to see if she can get a better visual…the SUV beside me has movement. It’s K9, he’s preparing himself and his dog for this call.

I’m waiting, and listening..

My partner get volunteered to knock on the callers door, dispatch is in my radio asking for an update when possible…it’s so quiet outside, but my hearts racing and I’m on high alert! There’s no response.

Waiting and listening…feels like forever, I look around and there’s I think 8+ cop cars around me plus this K9 SUV , a lot of people for this call…

Finally, there’s a couple of cops one’s my partner (thank G) and a man approx 5’10” with shorts and a T-shirt on, remember it’s quite chilly out and it’s almost 1am. My partner gets in the vehicle

they haven’t located a gun, no one’s seen it, there was 6 people in the house and no weapon was drawn…so. The caller isn’t well, he has a brain injury and is on assistance. He sais these people have drawn a gun on him and his uncle before (no uncle was in the house). He couldn’t hand write a statement so my partner wrote his story for him which was do disjointed and disconnected. The ending of the story was about the neighbours (who he called the cops on) had thron boiling water on his cat, who was eating his food on the balcony at the time – there was no evidence of this.

We gether to fill out the rest of the reports, this man didn’t want to sit in the warmth of the police car, he just wanted to wait while they were reporting. No one was injured, no one was hurt all the polic were safe.

We had to take the caller into the hospital to have him checked as this is an unsafe situation and he (the caller) needs some supervision.

Our partners take him to the hospital.

All of the police leave the scene and park at a nearby school to do a debrief, I waiting in the vehicle, Phew we made it through that one!

We headed back to the station and I picked up my car and headed home.I hope you enjoyed my story, I wanted to share my version, this is as true as I remember, I haven’t included all the details but most of them. I was a definite experiene that I will likely aways remember. I value the police in our city because they job is to keep us safe, keep the bad guys under controll and protect our children.


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