Birthday, Kits, Lesson, (entry 96)

Hi Everyone, beautiful sunny morning here today making Good Friday a welcomed day 🙂

I’ve been so busy the last week or so, with the Quilt Show last weekend in Red Deer, which was so FAB including spending the day with my Sister and my Mum.

Monday was my birthday which I also share with my FIL same day…my AIL and her’s is 2 days before mine, we gathered here and I was truly spoiled, thank everyone!! I’ll post pics shortly.

I got the kits cut for the Journey of a Quilter Block of the Month – Block 3 and that was so fun, I always love seeing all the kits ready to go.

Here’s the finished block 3, my Mum suggested I use the stem stitch instead of the straight backstitch and boy what a difference, I love it (video podcast coming soon)

I also drew the name for the winner of block 2 and this is what Kathy B won. Each month the club members send in a picture of their completed block to be entered in for a draw this month we had 7 people complete their block.

Here’s the pile of block from the Community Sew Day last Sat, Jen and I worked together, which went so well, we got 15 blocks completed and the top put together, what fun. This quilt will be donated to Quilts of Valour when finished.

On Wednesday night, I taught another Cathedral Windows class to my Lakeside Quilters Guild, this was class 3, working on getting our totes finished. We are almost to the point of getting the lining’s sewn into the bags. Here’s Alison’s…

Here’s Danielle’s wine tote, she did her windows all in the same colour.

Here’s Wilma’s

Here’s Tina’s

As you can see everyone’s looks so different and we are almost at the same stage…

I ordered a new iron, gravity feed style – anyone use one of these? I thought it would have been in by now but, nothing.

I’m busy working on my lessons for my Quilting – Get Started class starting on Wednesday, here’s the Springy colour palette we will be using

Here’s block one: Log Cabin

What do you think? There is still space available in the class if you are interested in taking a beginning quilting class or know someone who is, contact either myself of Chinook Learning Services.

We also added a few more pages to our website: Kind Words (highlighting awesome comments that you all have left for me), Our Newsletter (Quarterly, giving special mention to my most popular blog postings) We just sent the first one out? What did you think?

I’m going to spend the day sewing: lesson blocks, Journey of a Quilter Block 4, A Kittens Tale block 2, Freebie 15 block 6…and more I’m sure that I just can’t think of right now…Sunday we will spent with my DH’s family out for Brunch. What are your plans for the Easter long weekend?

Until next time, have a happy and creative long weekend,


One Reply to “Birthday, Kits, Lesson, (entry 96)”

  1. Hi Valerie!!! How wonderful that people are taking advantage of your skills and taking those classes with you. I’ve never done those cathedral windows but they look interesting. I think that would be something I’d need a visual walk through (I’m not a pattern follower!).
    What a beautiful pair of scissors for Kathy! I swear, block 3 I will be done in time to get in on the giveaway!

    Have a great Easter weekend, take care.

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