Kind Words: Tammy M (188)

Sew Tammy sent me this awesome email once she received her Journey of a Quilter kit and I just had to share it with all of you…


I got my Journey package on Friday evening.  The colors are wonderful, of course, I will add some of my own scraps to the mix!
I am already working on the embroidery and on the lookout for unusual buttons.
Thanks so much for a great kit.
Please use me as a contact if anyone is unsure about the quality of the product you send out!
Quality fabric and threads – no cheap stuff thrown in to keep the overhead down.
Love it!


Thanks Tammy *blush* what a nice compliment!

3 Replies to “Kind Words: Tammy M (188)”

  1. Hi Tammy, I have everything on order floss, thread, wool, patterns, pins, needles and all the other goodies I include:)

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