The Deets!
- Originally Completed: May 8, 2022 (Mother’s Day)
- Technique: Paper Piecing, Pieced Corners
- Number of Pieces: 40
- Blocks Completed to Date: 12

(get your Dear Jane book coil bound, cost +/- $5 at Staples…trust me, it makes things easier)
Framed Fancy was a block that came out so satisfying, I just love the fabric and the finish. It was definitely pettily little pieces to deal with but wow the results are FABulous.

Framed Fancy is sure ‘framed’ each section is framed, it’s almost like a round robin (when you do the first round, and someone else does the second round, and so on). These paper pieced segments were truly small, and it definitely makes you take pause, ensure you have enough seam allowance, ensure you’re following the lines, etc.

Isn’t she just a cutie!

So I’ve decided to keep track of my week or what’s happening on the days around making these blocks or typically before I sit in my sewing room to make these blocks…it’s interesting as the day I made this quilt it was Mother’s Day…
As some of you may know from listening to my podcasts and the one in particular ‘I’m a Daughter without a Mother‘ it’s a good brief story about my life with my Mother and how she chooses to remove herself from mine and my sisters life. It’s been 5 years since I heard back from her, I saw her briefly at a camping trip, and received a Christmas card that said “To Valerie and family, – insert stamped card note here – from Mom and Doug” that was IT.

I’ve very happy with this block and how it turned out – still a little ‘off’ in one of the corners but overall it’s delightful…
I also wanted to mentioned being a mom of a little girl and how proud I am of her and everything she is becoming, in her valuable 10 years of life. We did a podcast together that is just so friggen fun Q and A between Mom and 6 year old – this is a precious memory for me and the fun giggling time we had.
(^^ if you’d like me to setup a podcast between you and your small person I’d be happy to…just lmk)

this ^^ round table is actually an antique piano stool, circa 1890s (wish I played) I use it as my stool to sew on, it swivels, has claw feet with glass balls, and just the most perfect backdrop for these little blocks. The scissors are 4″ Gingher Scissors in the Cheetah theme – they used to come out with a theme each year – check out this awesome photo to give you an idea.
To close this blog post, we recently got to enjoy a concert as guests in the box seats at the James Taylor concert in Calgary. When I was a kid we listened to James Taylor on records and man did we every love his music…
While we were there we got to chatting with another guest in the booth with us – and he was sharing a story about his marriage that just came to a close after 24 years…his wife rekindled her relationship with her high school sweetheart and left him and the two girls behind. My husband and I were taken aback by this – as we’ve been married for 20 years and think what does this mean? We were full of questions that you just couldn’t ask in the few short hours of being at a concert – it was a strange juxtaposition with the concert being amazing and this story of ones life….
Find me over here…
- Pinterest @VJMoss
- Instagram @ValerieJMoss
I host a podcast over here…
- Valerie’s Variety Podcast: Spring Pillow Pattern
(it’s about eating, reading and creating…)
Here’s a great AudioDrama, that I narrate…
- Project DF Podcast: e1: My Wife is an Invalid
(it’s a Mystery, it’s a true story…)
Hashtags # on instagram I follow for this quilt project:
#DearJaneQuilt #DearJaneQuilts
#QuiltsOfInstagram #QuiltersOfInstagram
#ScrapQuilts #SamplerQuilts #QuiltLove #QuiltLife
#create #quilter #ThisIsMyHappyPlace
#BabyJaneQuilt #JaneStickleQuilt #JaneStickle
#fpp #SampleQuiltBlocks
(am I missing any? leave me a note in the comments)
My Dear Jane Inspo…
(these are my go-tos when I’m researching blocks, techniques, and just to get inspo)
- Teresa Down Under (great resource, blog)
- Hobby Stash (great resource, blog)
- Dear Jane Inspo (board on my Pinterest page, blog)
- Fabadashery (English Paper Pieces all blocks, blog)
- Poole’s Piecing (English Paper Pieces, and glue baste, video)
- Mari Carmen Moreno (it’s in Spanish but well worth the watch, video)