Today’s show we are welcoming Brandi Fleck from the Human Amplified Podcast where I have been a guest on her show and I have also wrote under a pen name an article for her blog. Brandi has a journalism background, she’ve overcome childhood abuse in a variety of forms and her mission is to seek out the good in humans, what being human means on an amplified level. So settle in for this wholesome interview with this gal from Tennessee and how she has learnt and continues to learn about us as the human race, it’s her mission!
The Questions we Delve into:
Why the Name change from On Being Human to Human Amplified?
Todays show part 5 and the final part of our look back over the last 100 shows we end on my new theme, a great pattern to brighten up your bed, anglers, chakras, covid and more…enjoy this episode. We also have many clips from all of you sharing what you’ve learned after 100______ including mine. This was such an amazing look back reminiscing over these episodes, guests and more!
Episode 84 – What 2 Do – What 2 Do A bit about my year (did you loose your job too) in a nut shell along with a few other peoples perspective – becoming a teacher and more, check this out.
Episode 86 – Chakras, What are these? Another great audio book produced by your truly, Heart Chakra is positioned in your heart area and focuses on love, relationships and self acceptance…here’s the clip
Episode 87&88 – Valerie Butters OH MY goodness was this lady fun to interview, she’s a player of paint on canvas and is so real in her social posts it’s really a give in to follow her and learn from her wit, trials, paint and her life.
Episode 89 – Mental Health – Challenge Me This was a difficult episode to write about, I was part of a challenge and won based on these words, I feel like we all go through bouts of depression or sadness in our lives – here’s my story, this originally aired in season 1 episode 46 and think it’s even more valuable today.
Episode 93 – It’s about the People A great InterView with a local Calgarian and Podcaster, Michael Montgomery who finds the stories behind the people, startups, home buyers and more, this is a 2 part episode.
Episode 95 & 96 – She’s an Angler When I interviewed these two amazing women I didn’t know at the time even what an Angler was…what a fun and awesome episode with the two fisher women, you’re in for a treat! This is a two part episode.